Injured by Unsafe Drugs? Our Experienced Attorneys Can Help You Seek Compensation

Several drugs lead to harmful effects, complications, and medical injury for patients even though they are tested, regulated, and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Pharmaceutical companies are legally responsible for any injuries and damage caused by defective medical products and dangerous drugs.

If you or someone close to you has suffered an injury because of low-quality, spurious, or unsafe drugs, you should call the qualified dangerous drugs malpractice attorneys at The Alvarez Law Firm. We have decades of combined experience in taking on large pharmaceutical companies and drug manufacturers to protect the rights of injured victims. We will make sure to prepare a legal strategy backed by compelling evidence, negotiate strongly with the negligent parties and their insurers, and obtain maximum compensation for our clients.

Liability for Dangerous or Defective Drugs in Florida

Drug manufacturers have a primary responsibility to create products that are reasonably safe for patients. They are held to a high standard of strict liability in case their medication causes injury or harm. Strict liability lawsuits are different from negligence cases – you don’t need to prove the defendant failed to exercise reasonable care while manufacturing or marketing the dangerous product.

Liability doesn’t end with the manufacturer in these cases. You can name other parties involved in the distribution as defendants in a dangerous drug lawsuit. These lawsuits often include:

  • Pharmaceutical company
  • Drug manufacturer
  • A laboratory that tested the drug before it was approved for sale
  • Physicians prescribing the drug
  • The hospital that provided the treatment
  • The pharmacy that filled the prescription
  • The pharmaceutical sales rep of the drug company
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Dangerous Drug Lawsuits in Florida

There are three types of dangerous drug lawsuits in Florida. You would need to establish one of the following types of defects to prove liability for a dangerous drug:

Design defect

This occurs when an imperfection renders a dangerous flaw in the final product. The defective design may result in drugs that are harmful to all patients consuming it.

Manufacturing defect

These defects occur when there has been a mistake in the manufacturing process or possible drug contamination. Certain iterations of the drug may become dangerous in this case, which may not impact all consumers.

Failure to warn

This is a type of marketing defect in which the pharmaceutical company or manufacturer fails to provide adequate warnings to consumers about known side effects. Difficult-to-read or incomplete drug warning labels can lead to civil liability. Marketing defects also occur when there is not enough information or proper instructions regarding the dosage and use of medication.

It's fundamental that you consult with a Florida dangerous drugs attorney who has been through the legal minefields before to understand the scope of your claim.

Get a Competent Dangerous Drug Attorney on Your Side Today

The experienced and resourceful legal team at the Alvarez Law Firm is known for its tenacity to fight for rightful compensation and achieve justice for its clients. We can help you maximize your dangerous drugs claim so that you can get over the impact caused by the irresponsible pharmaceutical company and/or other negligent parties. Our attorneys will relentlessly pursue the compensation you deserve for damages incurred, including pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, income loss, and medical expenses.

If you have sustained serious injuries or lost a loved one to hazardous drugs, you are due compensation, and our team of outstanding attorneys can help you get them. Our highly skilled Florida dangerous drugs injury attorneys have decades of experience in fighting for the rights of victims. To request your free, no-obligation consultation, call us at 877-445-7675 or complete this online contact form.

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Financial Compensation for Injured Patients

You would need to prove critical legal elements to prevail in a medical negligence lawsuit filed against the pharmaceutical company or drug manufacturer for a bad, defective, or dangerous drug. These are:

  • Your Miami medical malpractice lawyer will need to prove you are a patient that used the medication and sustained an injury. 
  • Your attorney will have to establish the drug was marketed improperly, was defective, or contained undisclosed side effects. There are certain dangerous drugs that overlap multiple categories. 
  • Your attorney will also need to prove that your injuries were caused by the dangerous drug.

Depending on the patient’s condition, dangerous drugs malpractice lawsuits in Florida can be filed by a family member on behalf of the patient as well. 

You may claim to obtain compensation for your ultimate recovery in a variety of ways if you were injured by using a dangerous drug. The defendant can be ordered to pay for:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Past and future lost wages
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Pain and suffering

The amount of compensation you recover depends on several factors, including the extent of the injury. Moreover, it’s crucial that you file the lawsuit in a timely manner. According to Florida Statutes §95.11(3)(e), a victim of a dangerous drug has up to four years to file a legal action. The victim in this case is someone that becomes ill from consuming the hazardous medication. 
Survivors get two years to file a lawsuit if someone dies wrongfully from using a dangerous drug in Florida. 

Let’s talk about your case.

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