No two cases are alike, meaning no two trials are alike. Listed below are some of the verdicts and settlements we have secured on behalf of our clients.
No two cases are alike, meaning no two trials are alike. Listed below are some of the verdicts and settlements we have secured on behalf of our clients.
The verdicts listed below are not intended to reflect the final disposition of the verdicts. Many of the cases were appealed and some verdicts were overturned. The Alvarez Law Firm will invest the necessary time, energy, and financial resources to attempt to secure the largest possible verdict or settlement for the victims and their families.
Manious V. R.J. REYNOLDS
Rey v R.J. Reynolds
Higgs v. R.J. Reynolds
Lipp v. Philip Morris
Principe v. Philip Morris
Rouse v. R.J. Reynolds
Schlefstein v. R.J. Reynolds
Howles v. Philip Morris & R.J. Reynolds
Purdo v. RJ Reynolds & Philip Morris
Ryan v. RJ Reynolds
Leviston v. Curtis Jackson (50 Cent)
Merino v. Philip Morris
McCoy v. Philip Morris
Larkin V. RJ Reynolds
Estate of Schleider v. R.J Reynolds
Estate of McKeever v. Philip Morris USA
Estate of Crawford v. R.J Reynolds
Estate of Cheeley v. R.J Reynolds
Estate of Sherman v. R.J Reynolds
Estate of Alexander v. Lorrilard Tobacco Co.
Estate of Schoeff v. RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co.
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co et al- Tobacco Litigation
Phillip Morris USA - Tobacco Litigation
Ballard v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Auto Negligence- Brain-Damaged Single Mother- Case settled 2nd week of trial
Philip Morris USA - Tobacco Litigation
Coral Gables Hospital – Patient bled to death after surgery.
Product Liability - Prescription Drug caused Heart Attacks & Strokes in clients
Estate of Marotta v. RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Alamo Rental Car - failed to warn of dangerous areas. Client shot by robbers.
Mendez, et al. v. Philip Morris, et al.
Mother suffered brain damage after childbirth due to negligence of the hospital.
Workplace Negligence - Wrongful Death
Drug Company - Drug Caused Liver Failure
Hospital - Birth Injury
Thorpe v. R.J. Reynolds
Emergency Room - Missed Serious Heart Condition
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.- Tobacco Litigation
Surgeon - Mistakenly Cut the Facial Nerve
Death of Mother Following Delivery of Baby
The Emergency Room Failed to Diagnose a Lumbar Fracture
Neuro-Surgeon Botched Surgery Causes Blindness One Eye
Auto Negligence- Death
Prescription Drug Caused Stroke
Night Club Shooting - No Security for Patron
Auto Negligence - Death
Auto Negligence 20-Year-Old Disfigured Foot in an Accident by a Careless Driver
Medication Error-Causes Respirator Failure
Auto Negligence-19 Year Old Seriously Injured by a Drunk Driver
Clinic - Missed Bladder Cancer
Over the Counter Drug-Caused Heart Damage
Hospital - Misdiagnosis of Heart Attack
Gas Station - No Security Resulted in the Murder
Pilot Injured Foot by Airport Vehicle
Oncologist - Negligence in Treating a Cancer Patient
Cardiologist - Missed Heart Condition Resulting in M.I.
FEC Railroad - Faulty Crossing Gate Struck Motorcyclist
Hospital Nurse Negligently Administered the Wrong Medication
Contact Lens Solution Caused Damage to the Eye
Hospital - Medical Malpractice
Police Academy - Cadet Accidentally Shot by an Instructor in Hand